“Twins” is a variation of Nacho Carbonell’s 2009 award-winning project, titled “Evolution.” Shaped like cocoons, these chairs made out of a steel mesh covered with a plaster of Carbonell’s own creation—a mix of sand and textile hardener—create a private space for subjects to take refuge and escape the overload of information currently afflicting human beings.
#2014 #Object #Nacho Carbonell
“Twins” is a variation of Nacho Carbonell’s 2009 award-winning project, titled “Evolution.” Shaped like cocoons, these chairs made out of a steel mesh covered with a plaster of Carbonell’s own creation—a mix of sand and textile hardener—create a private space for subjects to take refuge and escape the overload of information currently afflicting human beings.
#2014 #Object #Nacho Carbonell