“Mara” is a series of objects named after Ana Kras’s grandmother, who was a kitchen manager in a canteen during the Second World War. Mara’s own kitchen featured simple laminated cabinets. Growing up, surrounded by communist decor, Kras developed a special interest in laminates. The designer plays with surfaces, geometry and color, and uses the material like paper collages.
#2017 #Object #Ana Kras
“Mara” is a series of objects named after Ana Kras’s grandmother, who was a kitchen manager in a canteen during the Second World War. Mara’s own kitchen featured simple laminated cabinets. Growing up, surrounded by communist decor, Kras developed a special interest in laminates. The designer plays with surfaces, geometry and color, and uses the material like paper collages.
#2017 #Object #Ana Kras