“Black Gold,” a project by Quintus Kropholler, explores new and unconventional uses of asphalt. From one piece to the next, there is variation in color and texture due to the shift in the constituent stones and the cutting and polishing of various surfaces. Asphalt, an amalgam of stone and bitumen, retains its ubiquity as an essential constituent of our urban fabric. Even in our technologically driven society, it has remained largely unchanged, and its visual appeal and potential have been unseen.
#2015 #Exhibition #Quintus Kropholler
“Black Gold,” a project by Quintus Kropholler, explores new and unconventional uses of asphalt. From one piece to the next, there is variation in color and texture due to the shift in the constituent stones and the cutting and polishing of various surfaces. Asphalt, an amalgam of stone and bitumen, retains its ubiquity as an essential constituent of our urban fabric. Even in our technologically driven society, it has remained largely unchanged, and its visual appeal and potential have been unseen.
#2015 #Exhibition #Quintus Kropholler